Natural Faces

By Dr. van der Meulen

As a plastic surgeon I have focussed on optimising faces while maintaining a natural appearance. I don't believe in trying to smoothen things out as if nothing happened, but I do believe in feeling good because you look good. My procedures are therefore aimed at obtaining the most natural results within the least possible downtime.

Looking radiant instead of tired

People tell me they want to look better, but that they don't want to lose themselves along the way. That is why your own appearance sits at the basis of my procedures, so that in the end how you look will match up with how you feel again.

From manager to leader

A good leader is able to convey his vision clearly, but a message won’t get across without the power of persuasion. What you radiate determines whether your colleagues believe you, even whether or not they listen to you at all. Your story will only get the impact it deserves when your face shows persuasiveness.

Kintsugi, “finding beauty in the imperfect”

We have grown accustomed to disguard anything that is broken. The Japanese philosophy Kintsugi deals with decline in a fundamentally different way. It is about optimizing what you have, rather than smoothing out imperfections or pretending that nothing has happened. Your past deserves respect, because that has led to who you are now.

About me

Over the years I’ve made the choice to completely focuss on aesthetic surgery of the face. At the beginning of my career though, when I was operating babies with birth defects in the Sophia Children's Hospital, it quickly became clear to me that giving attention to every detail really makes the difference. With this approach I try to bring out the best in my customers.

Before and after pictures

A picture can tell you more than a thousand words. Photos are the best way of showing what the effects of my procedures are. Because I use your natural appearance as a guide, you will see that you will look better, but not different. You continue to be yourself, but a more radiant and fresher version of yourself.


I am very aware of what it means when someone trusts me with their face. Every time I do this with the utmost respect. Fortunately, my customers tell me they notice and appreciate that.

Would you like to ask me something?

In my line of work, results often depend on the starting point. To a large extent though they also depend on the philosophy and experience of the plastic surgeon you choose. If you would like to get an idea of what I can do for you, you can immediately ask your question on the online advice page. At the end of the day however, it is usually best to make an appointment with me for a consultation to get a personalized and non-binding advice. The easiest way is via the link below.